EnhanceMyMarketing.com defines publicity to be receiving favorable media coverage. A strategic marketing promotion tool involving building relationships with journalists, reporters, bloggers, and editors; responding to reporter media requests; and producing news releases or videos.
Publicity is similar to advertising in many ways, however, publicity is more than often the result of advertising. It can be both positive and negative. In order for events to create good publicity for themselves they are likely to appoint a press or publicity officer. Their role involves liaising everyone involved of the event, as well as overseeing all publicity issues.
There are several other areas that need to be taken into account when attempting to create publicity for an event. This includes: researching the target audience, marketing the event, establishing basic information of the event, promotional methods, us of different media, timing and data protection.
A press release or press pack is often released just before an event takes place as a form of PR (Public Relations). Its purpose is to inform the media of exclusive information of the event. Press releases used to be sent to the media via the post, email or fax. Although the way in which press releases are received is changing due to the development in technology. However, there are many areas of the PR world that still remains the same.
TNT Travel Show 2012
The TNT state that the Travel Show's dedicated PR team work on maximising the publicity that they receive around the world, mainly focusing on the London region. As shown in a previous post, the TNT Travel Show use a range of different media in order to publicises and promote the event. A press release from an event such as the Travel Show is likely to be sent to specific media that are aimed at those interested in travel, i.e. travel magazines (including TNT), television channels and websites.
The link below shows the kind of publicity that the TNT Travel Show 2012 are aiming before.
Carling Cup Final
The Carling Cup in 2010 and 2011 had Hill+Knowlton Strategies dealing with their PR. It can only be assumed that they have continued for this 2012. This has had a significant impact on the competition as a whole, as the company stated on their website: http://www.hillandknowlton.co.uk/CarlingCup2010
This type off publicity also helps to boost the reputation and awareness of the event. This competition also has the support of a big name sponsor (Carling) to help their publicity.
This is one of the areas in which these two events share similarities. They both have dedicated PR teams who are in-charge of creating and maintaining good publicity for the event and the brand.
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